Thursday, September 12, 2013

The First Weeks of School!

I'm sure you've heard many stories of some of the "strange" and fun activities that we've been doing in Medical Partnership since school started. You've probably heard that we ate Gobstoppers and PB & J sandwiches and even built a wall... no, not out of Legos... using actual wood and nails AND everything has an educational point! Hope you enjoy the pictures and maybe some explainations about what we've been up to so far this school year!

On the first day of school I put the kids to the test with a science challenge!

Goal: Work as a group to build a structure that can stand alone (at least 1 inch off the table surface) that will hold as many textbooks as possible out of just 8, 3x5 notecards and 24 inches of tape!

Good job boys! 

Later that week, we took a close look at the Scientific Method and the importance of detail when writing experimental procedures and during scientific observations.

We observed what happened when we put Gobstoppers in water and the results surprised some students! 

Our initial experiment prompted many questions - some testable and some not! We picked a few of our testable questions and designed our own experiments to see what would happen!

What will happen if we put double the amount of Gobstoppers in our dish?

What would happen if we put salt or baking soda in our dish?

What would it look like if we used a different container?

What if we arranged them differently?
To stress the importance of details, Ms. Taylor got literal... literally! 

Students were asked to teach me how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (pretending like I had never made one before). Students read me their directions and I followed them exactly! We had some pretty goofy looking sandwiches at the end!

Too vague!

Much better! 
 In grammar class we built a wall to represent the parts of a strong paragraph!

Top Plate = Topic Sentence

Studs = Supporting Sentences

Not too many studs, but not too few!

Bottom Plate = Concluding Sentence
And last, but not least... we got our iPads!!!

Check out ALL the pictures from the first few weeks of school on our Shutterfly account!

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