Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Eco Park & Goose Island

Medical Partnership and Community Connections have been very busy the past few days with two outdoor learning experiences! On Monday and Tuesday we ventured to the Eco Park to look at Macroinvertebrates and water quality, single-celled organisms, and how to find the area of an irregular object (a leaf)!

Catching and identifying various pond life!

Finding the area of a leaf!

Identifying Macroinvertebrates and determining their role in water quality!

On Wednesday, we took a trip to Goose Island to observe the DNR shocking fish in order to capture and study them before returning them to the Mississippi River. We also learned about mussels and their influence on La Crosse in the past! 

Goofing around!

Thank you so much to Trista Schraith and Kelly Ziegelbein for bringing in bagels and cream cheese and volunteering their time to set up and clean up! 

Thanks to Lora Mikkelson for donating 2 cases of water for the kids to drink! 

The kids LOVED the bagels and greatly appreciated the water when it started getting warm outside!

Don't forget to check the Shutterfly for even more pictures! :)

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