Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Body Parts & Organs, Oh My!

This week Medical Partnership was very lucky to have Dr. Schraith, pathologist from Gundersen, visit our classroom with human organs in hand! Students were part of a hands-on learning experience requiring them to use some of the knowledge they have learned so far this year in Life Science including cells, cell organelles, and DNA mutations! We learned about how in biology, form follows function, meaning, everything in our bodies and in nature is shaped a specific way in order for it to complete its job most efficiently!

Feeling the cancerous cells in a human lung!

Intestine! Ewww!

Can you feel the ridges? They help with the absorption of nutrients!
We learned all about the surface area of specific organs in our bodies including our lungs and our intestines! Did you know, that the areas filled in with black are approximately the same surface area as our lungs. The remaining area on the basketball court is equivalent to the surface area of our small and large intestines. Wow!

Dr. Schraith came back for Round 2 today to show us what he looks at under the microscopes on a daily basis!

We even made the news! Check us out!

A big thanks to Dan Schraith for organizing this amazing experience! Thanks!

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