Monday, October 28, 2013

Radiology at Gundersen Lutheran

On Friday we visited the radiology unit at Gundersen Lutheran! We started in the auditorium where the doctors participate in educational lectures. We learned some background information about nuclear medicine, X-Ray, and Ultrasound.

Then we got to visit the rooms where these doctors work to get some hands-on experience in their job fields!

The Hot Lab where radioactive materials are mixed up!

Ultrasound of an abdomen!

Ultrasound of the arteries and veins in the neck!

Ultrasound of the veins and arteries in the arm!


Don't forget to check out the rest of the pictures on the Shutterfly account!

Microscope Mania

The last few weeks in science we have been learning about the cell and cell organelles. This week we got the opportunity to actually look at cells using microscopes. We learned the different parts of a microscope and how to focus in on specimen.

In order to look at animal cells we took samples of our own cheek cells, put them on a glass slide, and slipped them under the microscope to see what animal cells really look like!

Human Cheek Cells
Next week we'll be taking a look at onion cells to compare and contrast plant and animal cells!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Last week in Medical Partnership!

Last week the 7th and 8th grade boys took home a victory trophy for beating Logan at the Monday night football game! Excellent season boys!

On Friday, we traveled to New Amsterdam to help the Mississippi Valley Conservancy pick seeds to be replanted in the spring!

To learn more about the Mississippi Valley Conservancy Click Here!

What seeds do we pick?

How do we pick the seeds?

Along with having a blast, we gathered about 12-13 bags of seeds to be replanted in the winter and spring!

We filled the back of MVC's truck!
Good work 7th graders!

Check out ALL of the pictures on the Shutterfly account by clicking on the right hand side of the page!